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City living

Groningen offers a vibrant nightlife scene, perfect for anyone looking to enjoy an unforgettable night out. Here are some of the top pubs and clubs you should check out:

Whe­re to start

1. RGB Bar

Located on Gelkingestraat, RGB Bar is Groningen's unique silent disco spot. With three different music channels to choose from, there's always a great song to sing along to or dance to, ensuring everyone in your group has a fantastic time.

2. Sing Along

Situated in the heart of Groningen's nightlife on Peperstraat, Sing Along is the go-to karaoke bar. Arrive early in the evening to avoid long waits and sing your favorite songs!

3. Het Feest

Het Feest, also located on Peperstraat, is a typical Groninger pub where you can sing along to the popular party songs. The pub's standout feature is its rotating bar, adding an extra element of fun to your night.

4. Chupitos

For the best and most outrageous shots in Groningen, head to Chupitos on Peperstraat. Enjoy the apple crumble shot or shots served on fire!

5. Wolter Wolthers

Located on Poelestraat, Wolter Wolthers is a disco club where you can dance and sing along to classics from ABBA and Sister Sledge. It's the perfect place to relive the disco era and enjoy some nostalgic tunes.

6. Warhol

If mainstream pubs and clubs aren't your thing, check out Warhol in Papengang, an alley off Peperstraat. This venue offers alternative and rock music, providing a refreshing change of pace from the usual nightlife fare.

7. Hoek

While not a pub or club, Hoek is a must-visit when you're out in Groningen. Located at the corner of Peperstraat and Poelestraat, this snack bar is the perfect spot to grab a late-night bite. Its convenient location makes it hard to miss.

No matter your nightlife preferences, Groningen has something for everyone. Enjoy your night out!