
Internationals, let's discuss culture shock in The Netherlands in our new IG podcast! Joining our host Anastasija Zihareva this episode are Nikoletta Hittmann & Miriam Ahorlu.
Biggest culture shock
It’s possible when moving to a new country to experience a culture shock. Things that are normal in the Netherlands might not be considered common in your home country. This can make you miss home, however, also lets you experience a new positive way of life. To be in shock about this is very normal and happens to most of us. You will get used to Dutch manners in no time. Our guests have experienced culture shocks in different ways:
Miriam: "How people leave their curtains open. You can see into their home, you can see someone having dinner when they are cooking and all of that. That's not really a thing in Ghana. Every home has a fence or a gate and a wall."
Nikoletta: "I really had to learn how to articulate my feelings and emotions in a direct and short way. In Hungary, we are very emotional and we use words to articulate how we are in a completely different ways than here in the Netherlands."

(14:10- 28:20)
There is research behind the stages of culture shock you experience. You will first experience a honeymoonstage in which you will be shocked about all the positive differences between, in this case, The Netherlands and you. Everything is amazing. After this stage you will return more to reality and realise that things are not all perfect in this new country. You will maybe even focus more on the negative sides of living in this country than the positive ones. After some time, these feelings will also fade away and move in the direction of more positivity again. You will find your own way in this new country and find ways around the things you do not like. After adjusting on 'surface level' as we could say, you can again end up in a more negative mood where you realise that deep down you are not the same as the Dutch and maybe will never become, you might feel like an outsider. But after all, you will probably find your way and be able to acknowledge your feelings and be more sure about who you are and what you want.
It's a whole journey, but know you are not alone!
Miriam: "My mom can actually see it, she says you've grown so much in just a couple of years! I used to be very laid back and not active, I had the mentality that if I don't get it it's not meant for me but I realised sometimes you just have to go after it. Even if it's not meant for you but just because you really want it."
Help (for anything)
If you come to the Netherlands and experience any kind of negative feelings, such as; loneliness, culture shock or any kind of negative mental state there is help available. It doesn't matter in what stage of life you are, if you are a student or expat, there is always help. As a student for example, there is help at the Hanze or RUG. At the workplace there are so called 'vertrouwenspersonen' to go to, if you experience any kind of negativity at home or at the workplace. In the Netherlands there are no taboos on topics like mental health, feelings, personal situations or anything at all. If you feel lost or in need of help please reach out!

Individual focus
It's good to know that in the Netherlands there is an individual focus. You have to make the first step, the decision. You have to speak up and ask for help. After you've done this, people are there for you and will help you as much as possible. In the Netherlands you have to be proactive and go after things you want to have or achieve.
Tips against loneliness
It can be lonely to move from your home country to a new one where you don't know anyone. Our guest give the following tips against loneliness:
Find a community! Think of something you used to like back home, and try to find a community for it here in Groningen. There are plenty so you will likely find a suitable one. (Boardgames evenings, languages groups, bookclubs)
Become a member of the Facebookgroup: Expats in Groningen. Here you will meet other expats and find possibilities to meet up with them!
Look at the agenda of Here & Now Groningen, here you will find all kinds of international events, also cultural ones.
Start sports as a student for a fair price at ACLO, join classes to meet people.
Meet fellow international students outside of your study at ESN Groningen.
Meet fellow expats in the northern provinces of the Netherlands through IWCN.
Join cultural events as a student at USVA.
You can look up your religion or culture here in The Netherlands, this is also a nice opportunity to bond with people who have similar ideas, norms and values.
If you come here as an international student you can join a city tour where you are put in a group and explore the city. A nice way to make your first contacts.

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