When you arrive in Groningen, there are a couple of things that you should arrange in your first week here. On this page you can find an overview of important practical matters to take care of.
As transportation might be different from your home country, it is good to read about traveling in and around Groningen. Next to trains, busses and cars, it is important to familiarize yourself with cycling as Groningen is more of a biking city.
Tip: if you come to the airport (Schiphol), you can buy your ticket online or at the machine physically at Schiphol. The trains are located in the same building as the airport (below the main terminal). There is also an app for ordering tickets and train times.

Practical matters
Go to this page to find more information on practical matters which you should know when you're moving to Groningen. You can also go to the websites of At home in Groningen or the Municipality for more information on moving to Groningen.
Bank account
When you move to Groningen, one of the first things that you might need is a (Dutch) bank account. Read more about opening a bank account on IWCN.
Moving to a different country often means that you need to get familiar with a new healthcare system. It is important that you know where to go when you have a medical issue. In addition, you need to register for Dutch health insurance if you are living in the Netherlands. On our page Health care, you can read more about healthcare and health insurance.

Finding the right accommodation (on time) is really important. If you haven't done so already, take a look at our page on housing if you are looking for a room, studio, apartment or house. Discover whether you are eligible for rent benefit.
When relocating to Groningen, it is important to arrange utilities such as gas, water, electricity, and internet. Sometimes these are included in your rent; other times, you need to set them up yourself. This page provides essential information to help you manage these services.
Gas and electricity
One of the first things you want to arrange when getting a new home is gas and electricity. There are a lot of providers in the Netherlands that provide both gas and electricity. However, your choice of providers can be limited to those operating in your region. Make sure to note the meter reading for both gas and electricity when you get a new home, so that you can provide this information to your new provider. Providers often offer contracts for one, three or five years. Make sure to compare different providers to find the best deal for you.
Water in Groningen is provided by the Waterbedrijf Groningen. Most accommodations are already connected to the water supply of drinking water, but you still need to notify Waterbedrijf Groningen about your move. The price of water depends on how much water you use, which is measured by a meter in your home.
Television, internet and telephone services
There are many different providers in the Netherlands with a wide range of package offers to fit your needs. Prices depend on the provider and the services you choose. Signing up is often very easy and can be done online or on your phone. Make sure to compare different providers to find the package and the price that suits your needs best.
When moving to a new country with children, there are even more things to take into account. Luckily, IWCN has a page on childcare which is very useful. You can also find more information about the Dutch educational system there.
Expat centre
In Groningen, we extend a warm welcome to you as an international. For this very reason, the International Welcome Center North (IWCN) was established. This is the central hub for internationals and businesses in Groningen.
Help & support
- Emergencies: The emergency number for the Netherlands is 112. You can call this number if you urgently need to contact the police, fire brigade or an ambulance. Here you can find more information about what to do in different kinds of emergencies and what to do when there is an urgent problem.
- Health matters: In case you are having problems with your health, you need to go to a General Practitioner. To read more about the General Practitioner, hospitals and medication, have a look at our page on health.
- International offices: Both the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen and the University of Groningen have an international office that can help international students make their transition to Groningen as smooth as possible. They can assist you with your application procedure and can provide a lot of practical information.
- Legal support: In case you need legal advice, you can approach the Groningen office of the Juridisch Loket (legal support office). They will offer you free legal advice on many topics. The website is in Dutch but support can be offered in English.
Checklist for international students
As a new student in a new city you can feel quite lost, probably even more as an international as you are moving to a different country. Therefore we created a checklist for international students moving to Groningen so you can see everything you need to arrange before you move, when you arrive and you are settled in Groningen.

Checklist for expats
As an expat you can feel quite lost when you move to a new city or country. Therefore we created a checklist for expats moving to Groningen so you can see everything you need to arrange before you move, when you arrive and when you are settled in Groningen. This checklist also includes information for your partner and children.
When settling in
When you have unpacked everything and arranged all the important things from our "when you arrive" page, you can finally get settled in Groningen. On this page you will find information that will make your life in Groningen as easy and fun as possible. Furthermore, on the first episode of our IG podcast you can listen to tips and tricks you want to know before starting your life in Groningen and The Netherlands.