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Groningen, a true university city, embraces a significant student presence, making it not only the Dutch city with the highest student density, but also one of the youngest cities in Europe. If you are a new student in the city and need some guidelines, then the website of Groningenlife contains a lot of useful information.


In Groningen, it's all about connecting with people and forming friendships that last a lifetime. As an international student, you'll be warmly welcomed by a diverse and hospitable community. Weekly international evenings offer you the chance to meet students from all corners of the globe. The shared experience of exploring a new culture and environment creates a unique bond. If you prefer a different approach to getting to know people, no problem at all. From the cosy pubs in Poelestraat to the green fields of Noorderplantsoen, new friends and adventures await everywhere. 

Student and study associations

In Groningen, student and study associations provide a home away from home. Whether you're into sports, culture, debate, or simply socializing, there's always an association that suits you. They perfectly complement your academic journey, connecting you with fellow students who share the same passion for your field of study or hobbies. Want to learn more about the ins and outs of various associations? Check out GroningenLife.


Once the evening sets in, the vibrant nightlife of the city comes alive. The streets fill with laughter and music, while numerous bars, cafés, and clubs offer an inviting atmosphere. And notably, the city has no closing hours, so there's always a café or club open for adventurous souls craving a never-ending night. For the best tips, consult the students at GroningenLife. They know where to find the best parties.


Apart from the lively nightlife, Groningen also hosts many unique events. First we need to mention the legendary KEI Week, the largest introduction week in Europe! This vibrant introduction week for new students is the perfect way to get to know the city and your fellow students. Just like the ESN introduction week, the largest introduction week for international and internationally oriented students in Groningen. Packed with events, parties, and activities, this is where you lay the foundation for friendships that last a lifetime. One of the other standout events that characterize Groningen is Eurosonic Noorderslag (ESNS). Every January, the city transforms into a musical paradise, with emerging artists and enthusiastic music lovers from around the world making their voices heard. Check out Here & Now in Groningen for the schedule of all the cultural and social events that Groningen has to offer. Enjoy!

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