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Family life

Groningen is a great place to raise children. Find out more about childcare, schools and family friendly things to do with kids here in Groningen.


The first month

Youth Health Care ("jeugdgezondheidszorg") is a Dutch service that is free of charge and is provided by the GGD Groningen ("Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst Groningen", Community Health Service). A youth health care professional will visit you and your newborn twice: once in the first week and once after 10 to 14 days.

Healthcare for children ages 0-4

During the first 4 years of your child's life, you will be invited to the Child Health Clinic ("consultatiebureau"). Together with a healthcare professional you will discuss the general development of your child.

Healthcare for children ages 4-12

When your child has started school, you and your child will be invited by Youth Health Care to discuss the health and development of your child.

Read more about childcare on the page of IWCN.

The Dutch educational system

The Dutch educational system might differ from the one you are used to. Read more about the Dutch educational system on the website of IWCN.

Family friendly things to do with kids

Visit Groningen has a really nice page "Groningen for kids" where you can check out nice things to do if you have kids.