Doing business
in Groningen

Groningen, a city known for its pioneering power and thriving startup scene, draws talent from all over the world. In the presence of historic canal houses and under the watchful eye of the famous Martini Tower, a new generation of young professionals are coming together to work on revolutionary ideas and sustainable solutions to today's global challenges. Here, collaboration has permeated every fiber of the city.
Regional economy
Amidst vast green fields lies the economic heart of the Northern Netherlands, the city of Groningen. The city has transformed itself into a hotbed of modern technology and research.

Business resources
Groningen, the region that offers entrepreneurs fertile ground to grow and innovate. Whether you want to launch a startup, expand your business or are simply looking for business opportunities, Groningen has everything to support you.
Transition themes
In Groningen, people are working on tomorrow's world in the areas of energy, health, food and digitalization. All transition themes work closely together in the Groningen ecosystem, with digitalization being the transition accelerator.

Business climate
Groningen has transformed itself into a dynamic hub for business and a thriving startup scene. Here we are distinguished by a strong focus on collaboration and believe in joining forces.
Start your own business
Why choose Groningen as the ideal place to start your business? Groningen has a rich startup scene, where young entrepreneurs and creative minds come together to share ideas and inspire each other.